
Not really, but kind of.

Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis, but as of January 16th, I’ve decided to leave 570 News and the radio business.

This was HANDS DOWN the hardest decision I’ve had to make in my life, and it didn’t come easy. There was constant back-and-forth, numerous sleepless nights, and various people were consulted in whether it was the right move for me.

I’ve been in radio for almost six years, and can’t call one of those days, “work.”

In the words of The Rog, “My vocation is my vacation,” and it rings true every single minute in this business if it’s your passion.

Being on radio and television was a dream of mine as a kid. I got to live that dream in Wingham, Vancouver, Calgary, Kitchener, Toronto and beyond.

To everyone who helped me live my dream, THANK YOU. To everyone who worked with me, I’M SORRY. To anyone who ever listened, whether it be every day, or even just for one story, thanks for letting me into your life. That’s the magic of radio.

While stepping away doesn’t come easy, I’ll still have my foot in the door, doing Kitchener Rangers broadcasts on Rogers TV.

It’s time to raise a pint – a Molson pint – because that’s where I’m headed. Hitting the roads selling the sweet, sweet nectar of the gods named after John Molson.

From Creemore, to Coors, to Canadian, to Pilsner, to Granville.

Now, let’s have a beer!


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